Another weekly venture to Newcastle
Every Friday... (same old, same old) went to Newcastle with Mother and Connor. The weather was amazing, and was boiling (literally) when I got back home.

I bought a new shirt, the one I'm wearing now actually (not like you can see it), and a new pairs of shoes (to replace some other amazing ones).
The most amazing find today must have been in Sainsbury's. Mother's been searching and searching for some Smoked Paprika (as used by Nigella Lawson). I think that it looks amazing, as it is a bright red! But Connor picked a tin up and didn't know what it was, and as if by coincidence, it turned out to be Smoked Paprika. TAH DAH!!!!!! (It smells like Barbeque crisps! Mmmm...)
On another note... my tea tonight was yummy!!! I cooked "Hawtdawgs" (as I explained to Gio).... and here's a picture because I thought very highly of myself for making such a masterpiece: