A not so pathetic day in Newcastle after all!
Been to Newcastle, in the hopes to find a trendy mac coat. Found a nice one in New Look but no! doesn't even fit me. So there and then my hopes were shattered. But, i did buy some awefully cool stuff instead.
I bought a cool watch. "Fun Time" as it says on the packaging. It's brilliantly fluorescent, with pink flowers and bugs :) Also bought some cool shades, black with white flowers on the sides.
But.... the most amazing thing i bought today, from Sainsbury's are Mikado!!!!!!!!!! I must add, Mikey, that they are very very tasty indeed. Nom Nom Nom! They're inspired by the game Mikado (otherwise known as Pick Up Sticks!). They taste a bit like Cadbury's Fingers and Chocolate Covered Pretzels. Mmmmmm!!!
And to top things off, i've just took some Maple Pecan Muffins out of the oven, which and my Mum have made. They look very scrumcious indeed, i will add an update later to tell you just how yummy they indeed are!
But for now... Mikado and a cup of tea it shall be :)